   Home   Personal computing DEFINITION gaming Gavin Wright What is gaming? Gaming is playing an electronic video game, which is often done on a dedicated gaming console,  PC  or  smartphone . People who often play video games are called  gamers . How popular is gaming? Gaming is an extremely popular activity worldwide. The number of people who play games is estimated to be over 3 billion. Some estimates put the worldwide gaming market value between $180 billion and $220 billion in 2022. This is about double the market for the global film industry. The majority of the gaming market is people playing games on their smartphones. What are the origins of gaming? The word  gaming  originated in the 15th century to refer to gambling in dice or card games. Gaming was used to refer to gambling until the late 1900s, where it was applied to playing recreational board games and pen-and-paper  role-playing games . With the introduction of video games in the 1970s, the term  gaming  became more ass

What is youtube ???

 YouTube. Is app that launch on 14 Feb, 2005 

We can earn 💰  from this with help of google ad sense.  YouTube is free app in which we can see other videos all over the world

Best thing is that we can also upload video in free and can earn money 💰 💰 💰 💰. 

YouTube has short videos also like instagram  

My channel name is Lokesh gamers and I earn enough money for my life 

Al least I can earn 3 Lakh money for this app

If anybody want to open his channel please comment in my blogger and and his /her YouTube channel  so I can take name of his/her YouTube channel in my all videos or in discreption   

All big YouTube also face such type of problem least 3 year if you continously  upload videos I sure that your YouTube channel  be grow more and more

If you one video got more views automatically other videos will get more views because they will think that this video is superb  so his /her YouTube channel as more as more fantastic videos they will go to your channel pages and see different  different  videos from your channel page 

If channel page videos will click then they will think that  it upload more videos which will help , entertain and then they automatically  will subscribe there channel
